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“The Sovereign Lord has given me an instructed tongue, to know the word that sustains the weary. He wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being taught.”
– Isaiah 50:4

To know God and to make Him known in order to equip Kingdom workers who preach, teach and proclaim the Gospel to the ends of the earth.



The book of Romans stays with us being eminent on changing numerous people’s lives beyond generations. Each sentence in the letter written about two millennium ago gave a complete opposite turn to Augustine’s life, hit the heart of Luther and marked the distinct point in Christian history. Immeasurable power is contained in one letter which affects your life of faith positively. Take this course and gain strength.

Galatians is another deep well that quenches the believers who underwent long time serving but grew cold losing grace. It revives the hearts of love and lets us recall the first love God showed in the beginning. Are you tired in spiritual journey? Register to this course and gain a hope.

Genesis is not just a book filled with fairy tales or ancient legends. If you projected the book this way, come to the class and see how vibrant energy it gives to your life in faith. It begins from the creation and fall which continues to illuminate the new hope revealed in Israelite Patriarch. Find your path and wisdom through the book of Genesis.

Gospel Books
Four Gospel Books provides abundantly rich resources on birth, life, cross, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ. Not only those memorable moments of Jesus life, vivid parables and situations that fill the whole books bring you to the world where you ponder upon your life and relationship with God. Do not miss so many wisdoms you would find in those book studies.

Life of Jesus (Tom J. Cowley)
This is a curriculum based on “A Biography of Jesus” written by Dr. Tom J. Cowley. The book reveals the biographical trace of Jesus life following the time order. Historical Jesus is introduced by the time line from His birth in Nazareth to the empty tomb in Jerusalem. You will get clear pictures of “key events in His Life.”

Trace of Apostles’ Life
The book of Acts will extend your view on early church life where Jesus breath is most strongly resonant. Every church is measured or evaluated by historic establishment of what Acts suggests regarding the body of Christ. Gain full insights about life of Apostles and the early expansion of Christianity.

Exodus Journey
From vicious cycle of slavery in Egypt till settlement in Canaan as a free nation, Exodus shows every step in an epic drama how God performs His power and miracles until His children are saved. Let’s look into it in order to find spiritual meaning that is thrown to our situations.

Biblical Understanding of Marriage
What is a meaning of marriage based on the biblical definition and how should it be formed? This course brings light on the issue of marriage in order to equip God’s people to join the family relationship in obedience to the truth.

Justification only by grace! The core and uncompromising message of Christianity is that we are saved not by our deeds nor by our accomplishment but by grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. This distinctive and unlawful method of salvation distinguishes Christians as people of praise and gratitude. Are you unclear about this joy? Join this course and let’s work on building the ground of faith together.

Business Ethics
“Ethical behavior requires tough choices – choices rooted in spiritual values. That’s what this book is all about and it’s well worth the reading.” Ralph S. Larsen, Chairman and CEO of Johnson & Johnson Company

Following life of Jesus to be His disciple is a whole lot different from being a sunday service attendant in the church. The radical practice of Jesus teaching does not risk you losing your life but it makes you experience the power of cross and resurrection substantially. What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus? The word will tell you.

God & Money
We can not serve both God and money. If you love the one, you hate the other. Does bible really mean that God’s followers can not be harmonious with a rational way of dealing money? What is a proper way of viewing and managing money in Christian life?